GPS Live Location APM2

Hi Guys iv looked and looked, so apologies if this has appeared else where.

With telemetry and GPS locked in I can see my quad while it is on the ground next to me and it drifts around very slightly as the GPS lock drifts so I know it must be updating. However when i fly only a few meters away the new location isn't displayed on the APM2 it just seems to be sat still.

I get all other information back, virtual horizon etc.

Do any of you know what the problem might be? Im sure it is simple!


Rob Wells

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  • Moderator

    There's an Auto Pan check box at the bottom of the main map, does checking that help?

    • I have been using the APM2, is the Mission Planner more suitable? I will try  this shortly

      • That dosent seem to be the issue as i tried it in the Mission Planner with the Pan check box ticked and not ticked. In both programs it would occasionally pick up location when a distance away but it seems to be a one off burst of information randomly. Never consistent. I wonder if the telemetry cant handle the data load? Would better aerial help?

        • Moderator

          The other thing to check in Mission Planner is the telemetry rates: Config/Tuning > Planner screen - position should not be 0

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