GPS Lock Issue

Hello all.I am trying to get the GPS to lock. The funny thing is the GPS LCK LED will flash continuously regardless of how long I let it sit to obtain a lock. I'm tried this outdoors. Is there anything that I might be forgetting which might cause the problem? I am using the EM40 and I have updated the easystar.h file to use this type of GPS.Side question: Does anyone know when there will be some more Z sensors available online?Thanks and I appreciate all the help as always.

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  • I had a heck of a time getting GPS to lock with a LOCOSYS 20031 gps. I set the easystar.h file to NEMA because the LOCOSYS doesn't do binary.
    FINALLY...after two days of going thru what you are started working ! We got a LOCK (Blue light on steady)

    I don't know why.....

  • Developer
    Check baud rates are set the same for EM406 and in EM406 code for ArduPilot, My test setup will lock while in the house in less than 30 seconds after the first cold start lock (move outside is fastest for cold start)

    I can't get uBlox GPS to lock with ArduPilot yet as i am having uBlox configuration issues. Good Luck be patient.

    P.S. also check continuity for 4 pins connecting GPS and also check the cable.
  • 3D Robotics
    I presume you mean EM406. Is the GPS red LED off (or actually just super dim)? It should be, which means that it's been programmed into binary mode. If not, you may not have done your setup procedure right (jumper, etc).

    XYZ sensors out by end of month.
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