We try to test gps mediatek on APM 1.4 et we noticed that it doesn't work
2- We load APM soft version 2.8
1- On APM_Config.h we add a #define GPS_PROTOCOL GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK16
3-We switch to fly mode
4- We go outside to house to test GPS
5-We are waiting that gps are locked ( Blue led doesn't flash stay in solid led)
6- Normally C Led on IMU must be on to red led but no led flashing, calibration does't occurs (A,b,C) is on when GPS is locked
We tested this gps with our old board APM 1.0 with Arduplane 2.24 (by disabled logs ) in CLI mode and it work very well
What steps we need to do for setup correctly GPS for new board ?
Do you think we need to reload firmware 1.6 on gps ?
it firware is corrupted ?
I would like to test GPS with new version 2.30 to be updated
Thanks for you help
Why are you adding that GPS line? The software will autodetect the GPS module in standard configuration. Actually, why are you loading the code with Arduino at all?