GPS noise performance

I'm developing a Kalman filter-based GPS/INS integration system, and I'm worried about one of my core assumptions in testing. I've been assuming that the u-blox 5 GPS produces a 4 Hz true fix (v5.0 firmware), with one-sigma RMS position error of 10 m and 0.1 m/s of velocity error (based on true dopper rates). Are these assumptions reasonable based on the actual observed performance of the modules?


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  • Jonathan,

    The UBlox outputs a position accuracy estimate in the binary protocol. I am planning on using that for the position error sigma. I was also assuming the same velocity error of 0.1 m/s.

    I am only going to use the GPS data at 1 Hz since the inertial drift difference between 250 ms and 1000 ms is negligable. I don't think you will get any better performance out of the GPS/INS running it at a higher rate. My $0.02.

  • 3D Robotics
    Please see this thread for all you could ever want on this question.
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