GPS Not Found

Hello, today I received my APM2 and I have loaded the firmware 2.28 with the APM Planner1.1.38. But there is no way to detect the GPS. NO GPS continually displays.


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  • anyone else using 1.1.38? can someone please check?

  • Hello, again.
    I reloaded the firmware for the fourth time and now seems to be going well, I'm indoors. but now appears not fix, I will bring it to the street to see if there is reading, thanks.

    It seems that telemetry is the same problem, NO GPS,

  • i upgraded to 1.1.38 on the planner and have a problem with gps data...... gps locked, it says i am in africa, if i open the 1.0.66 it is ok........ two days ago i almost loose my uav when i tried to update params with 1.1.38.....

  • 3D Robotics

    That just means that you don't have GPS lock. Try outdoors and give it a minute or two.

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