GPS with similar performance to uBlox NEO-M8N

HyI currently use two NEO-M8N uBlox GPS/GLONASS receiver. Now since two identical manufactured GPS receivers do not really help for reliability I like to use one uBlox NEO-M8N and another manufactured one.Does someone have experience with other brand GPS/GLONASS receivers that are similar to the uBlox one?Thx for the helpAndy

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  • I dont know of any but I dont necesarily see them both being the same brand as being a problem, its unlikely they will both fail at the same time even if they are the same brand. unless you did something like a firmware update on both at the same time and the firmware had an issue, but in that case i wouldnt do them both at the same time anyways

    • In terms of safety its very likely that they fail on the same time since everything is the same (hardware, software etc.).

      But I probably found now one from mtk...

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