Hi everyone,
I have been working with the 3DR 915MHz radios for a university project, and so far they have been working great with Arduino and my laptop. The current setup has an Arduino board reading sensor data and transmitting it via the transmitter radio to the receiver radio plugged into the USB port on my computer. This setup has been very easy for me to implement and has also been working reliably.
However, I am to use another pair of radios, but with the roles flipped. Basically, this setup would be a remote control. I want to use my computer to send a string via the transmitter radio plugged into the USB port to a receiver radio connected to another Arduino board. How can I write something to the transmitter radio without using a microcontroller? I want to be able to simply plug the transmitter radio into a USB port and write strings to it. And the receiver radio connected to the Arduino would receive these strings. Finally, the Arduino would perform certain actions depending on the string received.
So far, I've worked with Mission Planner software to set up the radio pair and the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor to read the data sent back. But for the remote control, is there some other software i would need to use to write strings to the transmitter radio? I know I can easily do so with an Arduino, but I would like to bypass the microcontroller.
Any pointers would be helpful!
Thanks all.