GS407 : satellites in view and no fix (again)

I already has this problem before (thread), and I though I solved it by issuing a firmware upgrade.But is seems that the Fw is not the problem. Actually, when the GPS is turned off for a long time (until the board's supercap gets depleted I suppose), the GPS doesn't get a fix when started, despite being run for hours and seeing many sats (8+ this time).I also don't have any elevation or azimuth for those sats :# cats /dev/ttyUSB1 -b9600....$GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,99.99,99.99,99.99*30$GPGSV,2,1,06,11,,,30,17,,,30,20,,,30,23,,,26*7E$GPGSV,2,2,06,31,,,37,32,,,35*7E...^C#If anyone has a clue...Thanks,M

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  • Hi Michel,
    I have come across the same Issue. It's nothing but your power supply, UBlox is very sensitive to the supply voltage and current. Espacially if your supply is not able to deliver proper current during locking time (i..e. about 150 Ma) you will have same issue. YOu will see many sats in Ucentre but it will not fix. I was using this on Bill's Uav board and I applied external regulator which was bad..I finally replaced the same with good 3.3 V regulator and it worked fine.. ALso check your DC supply lines for poor solder and bad wires.. I wasted almost two days fuguring out this including updating teh firmware but finally I figured out problem with power.. WHen I was getting this problem , fortunately I had another same type GPS , so replacing on the same power setup it was same, so the needle pointed towards power and it was there.
    SO please do not hunt more and waste your time... CHeck teh power.. If you need more info contact me on

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