Gyro's have a mind of their own

Had my first flight about a week ago and everththing was perfect but today when I fired up AMP my plane was rolling and pitching with it just sitting still.


Looked at raw data and gx, gy were going all over the place.


The last flight was perfect and no crashes, not sure why gyro's are going nuts.  Also downloaded 2.24 and reset the board to factory values but still same boat.

Powering from my LiPo.





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  • I had same problem.

    Find the pins of the chips that are giving the wrong signal and put your solder on it for 2 sec to  resolder them, it worked for me.

    you can resolder every pins on each chip too. 

    apm hw is not well engineered, it bends when you remove oilpan from mainboard and the bend cracks the solder point especially on gyro. we aremany with this kind of problem at least here in italy is  a known problem. never separate the 2 boards again unless really necessary.

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