gyroscopic precession

Out of curiosity...

I built a helicopter with 900mm blades. The rotor speed is around 1150 RPM. My problem is I am having a hard time getting the helicopter to hover correctly in Loiter Mode.  

I was thinking maybe due to the slow head speed that the 90 degree phasing doesn't work so well with a helicopter turning at a slower head speeds. Meaning that it might not be 90 degree phasing it could be lets say 80 degrees? Is there a way to tune this within Mission Planner?

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  • Found out by increasing my head speed to 1200 RPM's and increasing Pitch_FF and Roll_FF my loiter works a lot better. The helicopter is no longer out of control feeling. 

  • Sean you might want to upgrade when this comes out:

  • Hey Sean, I'll see if I can look at your details here in a bit.  What is the heli?  900mm blades are big!

    Is the problem with Stabilize, or just Loiter?

  • Developer

    there is a parameter for that although I forget exactly what it's called.  PHANG maybe?   I actually think that is probably not the issue though.  you're using a ublox GPS?  your compass heading is OK?  there's a few possible causes but we should probably see a video and/or log files

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