I am not test flying but only bench testing 2.5 and as I tested the output of the stabilize mode (and autopilot as well), I noticed that during the 2 or so second max stick movement before "remove before flight" jumper, the rudder/elevator max vales (ch1_max, ch2_max) were only 1680 or so. This seems to happen because the "filtered" ch1 values are a little slow (using defaults filter values) in movement - not sure. I tried different movement rates but until I lengthened the 2 sec to 4 sec or so, I couldn't get the 1900 or so counts that I expect. The result of this is a very reduced control limit during the "set_ch1_degrees" in the servo section. Maybe this is with my equipment only - I printed out the max values after the 2 sec timeout to debug the problem.
Secondly, on a quite different subject - the roll PID code in the control_attitude TAB. The Generic PID code is as follows:
/* Generic PID Equations
error = desired_output - measured output;
servo_output = Kp * error + Ki* (integration_of_error) + Kd * (derivative_of_error);
The code for the pitch loop seems to follow that idea:
integrators[I_PITCH] += (error * PITCH_I * (float)deltaMiliSeconds)/1000.0f;
servo_output = (error * PITCH_P) + integrators[I_PITCH];
But the roll loop confuses me:
// new_integrator = last_integrator + error*last_integrator*dt; (WHY the inclusion of the last_integrator at the last??)
integrators[I_ROLL] += (error * integrators[I_ROLL] * (float)deltaMiliSeconds)/1000.0f;
maybe it all works out with the call to the "smooth_attitude_roll" routine but I just don't grasp the initial part??
Thanks again for the advice on setting fixed maxes/mins for the channels - it does bother me some though that we can't get the startup check to work well - not sure what the problem is there (yet). After dpoing that and setting all the sensors(roll and pitch) to ZERO in temporary code, I checked STABILIZE mode and got full range in servo deflection ONLY if I move the transmitter sticks slowly - if I give a full deflection of the stick quickly, I see some limiting come into play at about half servo deflection. Maybe that is appropriate, but I would like to discover why it behaves that way - any ideas?
Arduino 328 @16Mhz (ArduPilot) (is that the correct clock rate??)
Single Precision(32-bit)Floating point timings:
Add 8 usec
Sub 8 usec
Mul 5 usec
Div 5 usec
conversion from long to float => 8 usec
conversion from float to long => 1 usec
Cos 105 usec
Sin 104 usec
atan 175 usec
Atan2 195 usec
sq 10 usec
sqrt 45 usec
Code Sequence timings
get_distance => 125 usec (3 adds, 2 muls, 2 sq, 1 sqrt + converts from long to float + mallocs)
Test code for get_distance:
float dlat = (float)Mylong1 - (float)Mylong2;
float dlong = ((float)Mylong2 - (float)Mylong1) * 0.9876f;
Myfloat3 = sqrt(sq(dlat) + sq(dlong)) * .01113195f;
NOTE: For accuracy, might want to subtract the longs first then convert to float
get_bearing => 220 usec (2 subs, 1 atan2, float to long converts)
Test code for get_bearing:
Mylong3 = 18000 + (long)atan2((float)(Mylong1 - Mylong2) * scaleLongDown, (float)(Mylong1 - Mylong2)) * 5729.57795f;
Test Loop Code
//DHW instruction timing in Output telemetry section of Ardupilot 2.5
slow_loopTimer = millis();
for(Myi=0; Myi<1000; Myi++)
//Example - get_distance
float dlat = (float)Mylong1 - (float)Mylong2;
float dlong = ((float)Mylong2 - (float)Mylong1) * 0.9876f;
Myfloat3 = sqrt(sq(dlat) + sq(dlong)) * .01113195f;
MyDeltaMillisec = millis() - slow_loopTimer;
Hope this is of some value to you developers
Could you please post a code snippet of the PID loop function for V251. I just want to see how the code has changed so as to have a common function which I think is a great idea!!
I think I might have found another problem in the get_distance code as far as precision. The lines that I am referring too are as follows:
float dlat = (float)loc2->lat - (float)loc1->lat;
float dlong = ((float)loc2->lng - (float)loc1->lng) * scaleLongDown;
return sqrt(sq(dlat) + sq(dlong)) * .01113195;
It looks like you are converting to floats BEFORE you do the subtraction (lat/lon) - I think this cuts down the precision to just 7 digits instead of the full 10. I think it might cause a 30->40 foot error. I'm not really sure but I wanted you to check it.
Thanks for all the 2.5 testing!!!!
I downloaded the latest 2.5 but didn't see any changes in the areas that I was concerned about (ch1_max being too small and the calc_attitude_roll first line).
Are there any problems with using an older Futaba R156F receiver (just 72mHz)?
Check out the latest release. That should hopefully clear up those issues you mentioned.