HakRC Storm32 Gimbal Problems- Help?

Ok, so this is my second HakRC Storm32 Gimbal I've purchased from Gearbest.com 

They both have arrived not working correctly.  I don't get it...Below are links to videos of what's going on, basically during the initial boot up the thing malfunctions after about ~20 seconds.  

Can anyone give me an idea of whats going wrong?  Am I doing something wrong or am I just that unlucky?  Is there anyway to correct this or should I have them send another? 




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  • Wow I feel like an idiot....that was the problem! lol I had no idea.  I feel like they should have included that in the documentation....oh well.

    Thank you so much!  

    Happy Flying! 

    Niels G. said:

    Thats not that hard so solve i guess... Attach a Camera!

    All the gimbals i know so far need the weight of the camera to function properly... Without the camera they are out of balance and the little bl-motors can't hold the gimbal in position.

    So, attach a camera, try to balance the gimbal without power properly and that should fix the problem

  • Thats not that hard so solve i guess... Attach a Camera!

    All the gimbals i know so far need the weight of the camera to function properly... Without the camera they are out of balance and the little bl-motors can't hold the gimbal in position.

    So, attach a camera, try to balance the gimbal without power properly and that should fix the problem

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