Hardware in the loop - Mission Planner Error

3691225546?profile=originalI thought I would try HITL Simulation in Mission Planner with RealFlight and my Pixhawk. Since im building an X8 Skywalker I figured it would be a good way to get my head around ArduPLANE and all its options before I launch my X8 for real.


However … When I try to load ArduPlane V3.30 via the HIL SIMULATOR option in Mission Planner onto my Pixhawk I get the following error.


Any Ideas or Help would be great

Many Thanks


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  • After rereading the Whats New in ArduPlane 3.3.0 I found the answer to my problem.

    HIL_MODE parameter

    It is now possible to configure your autopilot for hardware in the loop simulation without loading a special firmware. Just set the parameter HIL_MODE to 1 and this will enable HIL for any autopilot. This is designed to make it easier for users to try HIL without having to find a HIL firmware.

    SITL on Windows

    The SITL software in the loop simulation system has been completely rewritten for this release. A major change is to make it possible to run SITL on native windows without needing a Linux virtual machine. There should be a release of MissionPlanner for Windows soon which will make it easy to launch a SITL instance.

    The SITL changes also include new backends, including the CRRCSim flight simulator. This gives us a much wider range of aircraft we can use for SITL. See http://dev.ardupilot.com/wiki/simulation-2/ for more information. 

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