Has anyone tryed using an APM in an EDF jet yet?

I have some experiance flying APM planes, actully its the only way I can fly because im a terrible/unexperianced RC pilot haha!

So I have a new project since I have a bunch of Rc gear and an edf unit =]


Has anyone every tryed flying an EDF jet under APM guidance, or stabilization?

Its a 45A ESC 4600kv motor.. hope i dont fry my my APM!


Here is what il be flying =]


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  • Anthony,


    two questions: 1) why use APM to stabilize the plane? or 2) why use an EDF-airplane  as an UAV?


    My opnion to the first question is that, you might be better off using a normal gyro. Cheaper and many Jet pilots use these succesfully. Gyros where designed to do other things than just the "heading hold" of the APM stabilization mode. I also think that it's better to learn to fly correctly, than to have to rely on a small computer...


    Regarding the second question. Well, I do not think that an EDF-airplane will give a good UAV platform. The efficiency is way to bad und nomally one wants to have either long flight times or high ranges. 


    If it's about having fun, then be my guest. Try out and report :D



  • Developer
    If you are connecting APM correctly then the motor current is irrelevant.  There is no reason APM cannot be used with a 12 cell lipo pumping out 150 amps if wired properly.
  • Developer

    Anthony, I don't know for sure, but probably.  I fly a "pusher jet" all the time with APM, and APM does fine with "unstable" airframes.


    The problem (for you) is that you typically have to tune APM for such airframes, which gnerally involves flying them manually, for example to take off and get to altitude before trying STABILIZE the first time and finding out the gains are way off...   So if the idea is that APM will allow you to fly something you can't fly then you have a bit of a chicken or egg problem sometimes.  It will do it once it is tuned, but the default gains may be horrible for your airframe and then what?  I know a guy who put a Funjet right into the ground because he assumed APM would work without any tuning.....

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