Quick backstory:

I run a UAV company that creates bespoke UAVs to do a number of tasks in the oil and gas industry. We needed a temporary video/telemetry solution while ours was in development. After a lot of searching, I found Dronebase.it was selling a system named "skylink". Intreagued I began an email conversation with dronebase manager Fabio. I even spoke with him twice on the phone to clarify a few things. His English was very good, even with technical questions. It was explained to me that this was their product and that they were currently developing a new version of their firmware, this would be ready at the end of the summer (2017). This was set to fill in a few of the gaps and perhaps allow us to make use of this as an "out of the box" solution that could be retrofitted into some of our existing UAVs. The particular feature was the ability to bind multiple receivers. I went ahead with the purchase. The goods arrived very quickly.

Fast forward to when we started to fit the system:

After a few issues and a lack of documentation, I contacted Fabio once again. I asked for documentation and an update on the firmware. He answered within a few days and after a few emails. He provided me with a link to the manufacturer's page. This was the last message I received from dronebase.it.

It turns out that they have simply rebranded an off the shelf RAK product. They do not have or intend to create any custom firmware. I paid 1000 euros for a (at the time) $150 dollar system that was being sold through Banggood.

I have contacted them via email, skype, phone (now over £120 in calls to leave messages with their receptionist), LinkedIn, Facebook and mail. I have received no reply to anything and Fabio just deletes my comments requesting him to contact me if I post on any social media. I found this forum when I searched his name and noted others have left similar comments that claim he won't answer emails or return calls.

So, does anyone on here know him? Has anyone had any issues? Has anyone had a resolution?

Or maybe Fabio who is a member on here could explain?

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