Hawksky PID settings

Hi all,


well i finally got my second APM and telemetry on the way now and i have changed my platform from a skyfun (MIA) to a hawk sky.

Just wondering if anyone has any PID settings they use with the hawk sky that they'd like to share? I have upgraded the motor to a turningy 2835 2700kv motor and change the prop to a 6x4 which seems to work nicely. Also changed the ESC to something of quality rather than trash.



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  • I fly the Hawk Sky platform aswell. So any help from the community would be really appreciated. I have the stock motor on, and if someone could share their PID settings, it'd be a great help.

    Thanks !
  • No one?

    i understand its meant to work stock but with the new motor its no longer stock, and giving that its the most popular motor upgrade surely someone else flies this with the same setup. I just really dont want this one to go missing like the skyfun did....

    I have done a search on these forums and haven't found much in relation to PID settings and the hawk sky.

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