Helicopter vs Quad/Hex etc

guys which type of copter do you recommend ?we need to use live view camera and with some additional sensorswhen we are expecting to get ArduCopter_TradHeli complete? i mean ground station + auto take off/landing ,etc?

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  • guys i have a question if i buy quad frame with power distribution i still able to fly it without need of ACM? there will be no issue with Motor signal PWM from the Rc receiver ?
  • thanks guys, im trying to gather many information to help me in my project, but which copter is most stable with payload? do you recommend any online store for selling copters? where i can find best battery for my project? Hobbyking?
  • Developer


    If you need high payload, Hexa, Y6 or Octo setups are recommanded.

    Why do you need auto take off / landing ? For simplicity or for a real flight need ? If it is for simplicity, then you could buy a ready to fly kit, much more expensive, but working out of the box.


    Next, it's mandatory to have good pilot skills. Fully relying on auto fly is a dangerous way of doing things. Even more dangerous if you are using a home made frame and a beta fimrware.



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