Hello, Please help me

Hello, I am Hakjun Lee from South Korea.

Now, I have a IRIS+ and I am developing an Ardupilot system. I am trying to control the IRIS+ fly indoor by using Optitrack(which is a motion capture system).

So, I added new message in MAVLink protocol to send Optitrack position value and I made this message to be sent in 10Hz from Mission Planner to IRIS+. But, when I run the ardupilot system, suddenly it shut down(I think the system shut down because the led didn't blink at the moment, so I need to restart the IRIS).

Shouldn't I use MAVLink message in 10Hz? Please help me to solve the problem occured when I added new messages, or any good idea to send Optitrack position value from PC to IRIS+?

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  • our team are working with optitrack and now we have some trouble in transferring the data to mission planner. Do you have some suggestions for us?

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