Help a complete n00b build his first drone?

Hi, I've became really interested in drones, robots and stuff like that and I am eager to build my own RQ-1 Predator Drone. Here are my ideas:Hovering capabilities. I was thinking 4 rotors on each side or 2 on each wing for that.Clean design. A hollow exterior with a streamlined design and able to fit all the components.Cameras. Thermal & Normal on a 3 axis mount.Here is a picture of the RQ-1 Predator, incase you haven't seen it before: gear, I'm not bothered about. It can be retractable (maybe servos?) or fixed. This is what I need help on:- How do build or acquire the body.- How to transmit video back to a receiver in real-time- How to assemble it.- What components I'll need.I'd like to give it basic commands such as hover, return to home, switch cameras, rotate & zoom. And how would I control it when I'm not within an "RC distance" away?

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  • Embrace your noobness and start simple. Anything RC related is better that way. If you have no RC experience, start with this plane:

    If you do have RC experience, start with that plane anyway, and get an ArdupilotMega kit if you're comfortable with soldering electronics

    Or preassembled if you're not


    As far as controlling it when you are no longer in range of your RC equipment, this is probably illegal in the UK. It is in the US and Canada. Flying a UAV requires licenses and permits to use. A hobby or amateur UAV is no more than a radio controlled plane with fancy electronics, and must be kept in visual range at all times.


    As far as wanting a predator, I want one too! But.. the wings are just too narrow for any amount of stability. I'm sure it could work, and would look SO cool, it would require amounts of RC talent and patience to tune the ardupilot properly that is rare even in highly experienced folks. I plan to paint my Hawk Sky flat grey, and make sure it has sufficient external antennas so it will at least LOOK like a drone, and not a foam RC plane.

  • Moderator
    The Predator is not the best airframe for somebody starting out, it might seem dull but rather begin with an Easystar or clone and build slowly towards your goal.
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