Fried MUX Still safe to fly?

Is there anyway to salvage an apm 2.5 board that will not connect?

I have one of the HK 2.5 boards in a quad that has somewhere around 40 flights behind it and has been rock solid. Today I flew an auto flight, returned no isuue. I swapped batteries, 4500 mah 3s and a few seconds later a little bit of smoke came out of the case, down near the output end.

It will no longer connect via wirless telem, will power but not initialize OSD and cant connect via usb port either.I have tried just the OSD on the single cable with RX/TX.

Other than the connection issue it seems to work fine, flys, switches between flight modes etc, I just cant load new flight path or download logs.

Board was bieng powered by 3dr power module at the time of failure/smoke.

I have tried attaching USB and in pull down it recognizes board as "arduino mega 2560 (com5)"but will not flash firmware either.Have tried rebooting, changing usb port.


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  • WHile trying to attempt firmware update, Laptop recognises Arduio Mega 2560 on com 11. choose com 11 from pull down, baud rate is set to 115200, I have not clicked connect. Download firmware, click pic of the quad. Status bar scrolls across a total of 3 time then pop up states" Communication Error- no connection"  just below status bar it says failed upload.


    I have looked this board over end to end under disection microscope and dont see any damage to any of the components and I cant find a burned trace or any damage to the board.


    I am not having issue with the damaged board, I have a spare and I can toss this one, I am trying to figure out what could have killed it and how not to fry the next one.


    This quad has been rock solid, never crashed, no damage whatsoever. I have all the power wires pulled from the ESC plugs so there is no power present on that rail. Jumper 1 is pulled and I am using the 3dr power module to power the apm, frsky receiver, osd and 915mhz telemetry.

    I am going to assume the power module is the problem but would like some feedback before I hook up a brand new flight control board.

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