
I'm a student at UCLA and we are working on outfitting a DJI S1000+ with a research grade fluxgate magnetometer, and need to get GPS/tilt/altitude to calibrate and correlate the mag measurements of earthquake faults and other subterranean features.  I have built a few quads and got the DJI A2 working fine with the octacopter, but despite using their software and ground control hardware we cannot extract the GPS or flight data, and their tech support has been disappointingly awful ("read the manual for instructions" smh).  

Can anyone recommend an accelerometer or tilt sensor that can integrate with an arduino/pi/beaglebone computer for data logging, we need one that has very high angle resolution- we need to compensate for tilt of the drone as it's flying to calibrate our mag data, to within 0.001deg, around 3.6 arc-seconds.  I contacted sparkfun about their accel sensors and they shrugged and told me to ask here.  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!  



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