Help for a Newbie

Hello Everyone

I'm new to RC quad and hexacopters, and I'm about to buy my first hexacopter,,, I was searching for a good and affordable hexacopter or quadcopter with GPS for Return home and Hold position, that can lift a Camera gimbal with my GoPro and also use another light weight digital camera , I'm about to pull the trigger for this one DJI F550

and I need to add TX/RX Battery and charger... wat do yo guys recommend.. for
TX/RX ? I wan to to be able to control the multicopter and the camera gimbal with the remote, also I want to do point-n-shoot.

also what Battery and Charger will be best..??

Thanks for your help


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  • Luke gave good advice to which I add...find some local support too.

    There should be one or two hobby shops in your area that you can buy from AND they will help you all they can. I understand trying to save money but online we can only go so far. A local hobby shop (LHS) provides you with hands on, experienced folk that either know what you need or can put you in contact with someone local that can help too. This is mostly intended to get you to buy a charger/connectors/wiring from your LHS OR at least go there and check prices.

    +1 with the 3DR products. I built my quad  based on their design and sourced major parts with them.


  • I'd recommend the 3D Robotics hexacopter over the DJI but the DJI would get the job done too. There are a lot of transmitter options depending on the budget, a good bang for the buck radio is the Hitec Aurora 9. Same for the chargers and batteries, there are a lot of options depending on the budget. I've had good luck with a Hitec X4 AC Plus charger and batteries from Zippy (Hobby King). For batteries you'll probably want 5,000mAh to 8,000mAh with 3S (or 4S if the DJI motors can do it) and 30C or higher. If going with a battery with a lower capacity like 4,000mAh you'll want 45C or higher (or run multiple packs in parallel to provide sufficient current).

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