Help i'm pulling out my hair

Hi All,

i have found this forum most informative helping me setup my copter however i have reachedmy wits end an wanted to reach out for some help.

I have a home made tricopter which i have recently upgraded from a KK2 to a Hobbyking HKpilot board and originally a Neo6 gps.

it all flys ok in stabilize and acro mode and i have gone through all the tutorials and tuned pids etc however when it comes to any features relating to GPS ie RTL and loiter it just wont play ball.

it gets a lock in mission planner i have now upgraded the GPS, i even got an ftdi cable and updated the config of the NOE6 as i assumed that was at fault  and i have now even bought the official 3DR one with external compass (and cut the track) however still when i switch to RTL it just buggers off across the field rather than comming back to where i powered it up from.

i have spent so much time fighting the problem rather than enjoying the APM and it makes me want to put the KK2 back on there :-(

can someone please share their expertise, is there any other setup i have missed  or tests i can do 

i really apreciate your help


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  • Alt hold is mostly via the accelerometers, with contributions from the baro and GPS. The make the altitude more stable you will need to reduce the vibrations See

  • Wow thanks for all the responses i will go out this morning and do a test and upload the log files, Frank i have carried out the compass dance :-) and the compass heading looks correct in mission planner, is there any other compass setup steps?

    the GPS does show the correct position in mission planner when i stick it outside and gets a 3dfix.

    regarding the log flight shall i just hover and then switch into RTL so you can read what's going on.

    thanks again for your all your help and support


  • Have you completed all of the compass setup steps? The compass plays a huge role in any mode that uses GPS.


  • I can only provide rough suggestions without a tlog file:

    -Is the GPS showing the correct position in the Mission Planner software?

    -How many satellites is the GPS locking on to? is this number more-or-less constant throughout the flight? Anything less than 6 will cause accuracy issues

  • Anyone who might be able to help you won't be able to with out your log files.
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