Help needed

Hi guy's,

Board ver 1 NOT 2 not got it yet!

I decided to upload the new code that comes with the MP Mission Planner 1.1.20 but now I cant level my board i get this error Failed to Level ac2 2.037 is required. Also I have tried to go back to MP 1.68 and upload code that way but still no joy, I have noticed that I also get bad packet or something like that when I use PM 1.1.20

I also get cant enable compass ??

Please can someone help me get my board back up and running.



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  • Hi Chris,

    yes that's it all working now :-) many thanks for fixing this so quickly. Might even get a flight tomorrow if the wind and rain stop!!

  • Hi Chris,

    thanks will try and let you know how I get on ?

    A bit off topic but having a problem with the website ? some script is not working correct at your end and firefox keep hanging

    also tried it in chrome and same thing ?


  • Hi Chris,

    is there any news on the Fix???

  • Hi Chris,

    many thanks m8 it is not allowing me to do anything. Will wait for fix ;-)

  • 3D Robotics

    Graham, yes the latest MP is looking for newer code. We'll push a fix ASAP. 

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