Help needed to troubleshoot Ardustation


   Previously, I am unatble to get my newly purchased ardustation working. Initially, I suspected that there is no source code been loaded onto the Uno chip on my board. After some help from the experts here, I am able to compile and upload 2.0.11 onto Uno chip. However, I am still unable to get the board working.  My board status are as follows:

PWR LED         "ON"

ASC LED          "OFF"

RSS LED          "OFF"

No display on the LCD even after adjusting both potential meters on the board and pushing the reset button numerous times.

Please help and thanks in advance.


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  • Anyone willing to help ?

  • Hi ya'll,

    I have that same problem too, only the Power LED lights up the other 2 don't even after successfully compiling and uploading the 2.0.11 Ardustation 2 Source code anyone knows how to solve this problem ? Help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance to whomever replies


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