Help (no roll or pitch control)

My Quad-Copter seems to not let me do any Roll or Pitch control... using APM 2.6 with 3.1.5 quad firmware. when i use full roll or pitch i can throttle up and it will not tip over so i have zero control in roll and pitch but yaw seems to current settings are:Rate YawP = 0.2000I = 0.0200D = 0.0000IMAX = 8.0Rate Roll and PitchP 0.1200I 0.1000D 0.0040IMAX 500.0Stabilize Roll/Pitch/YawP = 0.0100Throttle AccelP = 0.2500I = 1.5000D = 0.0000IMAX = 5.0Throttle RateP = 1.0000

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  • bump.

    I have roll and pitch in acro mode but not stabilize mode.
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