help!!!! problems with auto mode

I fly a self built plane with Pixhawk autopilot, software version 3.2.3.
I traied to fly through waypoints in auto mode and I'm getting a problem. The plane just keep flying straight and not through the waypoints in auto mode,
It seems that he does not get the track. He will fly to a "fly here" waypoint in guided mode.
I already tried to: 
  • Returns the default parameters.
  • Change the track - read write several times .
  • Replace the computer and the communication model.
  • Change the version of the Mission planner and the Arduplane to the old one and to the beta version.
non of the changes has fixed the problem
Does some one have an idea how to fix this ?
I add the log - you can see the problem  after 80%
תמונה מוטבעת 2

2015-04-20 11-13-18.rar

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  • I've run into the same issue with a quad. It takes off and just stays there, i.e. doesn't actually go to the waypoints. Loiter and autoland work fine. I believe its a MP update issue. What version are you running? I'm running 1.3.24. A new version just released, but I would like to understand if that is actually the problem before I install. 

    • I just found the problem- when I put  the parm Auto_FBW_STEER  on 1 its doing the problem

      if I change it to 0 its solve the problem

      but now there is another problem that this parameter does not need to effect the auto pilot after it takeoff..

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