Help understanding transmitter channels

I have a Spektrum DX8 transmitter (TX).  Ok, I understand it has 8 channels.  On the TX, there are additional switches, knobs, etc. with labels F mode; Gear; Aux 3; Rudd D/R; Flap, Gear, Aux 1, Aux 2; Elev; Flap; Ail D/R.  The manual does not state what channel is assigned to which switch, knob or stick, but I believe that channels 1 through 4 are assigned to the sticks for throttle, yaw, elevator and rudder.  But, I see situations where a situation may state something like:  use channel number X to do function Y.  So let's say I wanted to do function Y (say, set a particular flight mode) do I know which switch or knob is channel number X (say for example, channel 5)? 

Second question:  Let's say I have a 6 channel receiver (RX).  Since my TX is capable of 8 channels, could I use channel 8 of the TX as one of the 6 RX channels as long as I don't use, say channel 5 or 6 on the TX?  For example:  channels 1-4 are being used for basic flying.  And let's say I want to assign another function (say to set flight modes)...can I used ANY of the rest of the available TX channels (channels 5, 6, 7, or 8)?  Or can I only use TX channels 5 or 6.  Obviously I can't use ALL 8 channels on the TX since the RX is only a 6 channel RX.  But, does it matter which combination of 6 (out of 8) TX channels I use to make up the 6 RX channels?

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  • MR60

    You should start by downloading a spektrum manual from internet that would answer your questions. The principle of a tx is that you can assign and combine any physical knobs and sticks on one channel. You can configure the way you want it to be.

    Another principal is that you can create conditions, such as for example output PWM value X on channel Y if switch Z is in position 1 and stick W in a certain position.

    The way to configure this is specific to your TX brand, so you will have to read the manual...

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