
Help with FPV antenna

Hi Guys,

I was trying to build an IBCrazy antenna for my 900MHz 1000mW system, but the performance is very poor :( Tried 3 different types of antennas, but performance is Crazily bad.

If someone has a 900mhz antenna with an SMA connector(self-made or bought doesn;t matter ), please consider helping me out since I am really in need of one and cannot buy one online since I am only 14 :( Its important that the antenna have an SMA-male connector.

This is for my Bixler UAV, but without the antenna, FPV will be impossible. Please help me out!

Check out my blog at for information about my ultimate Bixler !


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  • Moderator

    How is the performance with the supplied antenna? I use IBCrazy's inverted Vee or the supplied antenna depending on the application.

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