Hi Folks, Im new to these forums but have been lurking for a year,First Grats on AC2 Beta, the Mission Planner is excellent and the CLI is very comprehensive. I think you guys are poised to dominate with this combo :)
I Have built a Custom Coax Octo (Behaves and must be configured as a quad) in X mode.
The FC is the latest APM2560, I have flown it with AQ2.4 and she flies nice, I have also flown it with APNG latest but not a smooth. Today I rewired it to be compat with AC2 Beta and loaded it up. I have had a few nice flights and things are shaping up, but now comes the tuning, and I am a bit confused.
When I took off the first time it oscillated immediately upon lifitng off, so I went back in the lab, hooked it up to the Mission Planner and upened up the pid tuning interface.
The AC2 manual states I should be modifying the Stabilize Kd, which does not correspond to any setting in the GUI, So after reading up on the PID algorithms, I noticed there was a Stabilize Damping paramater, and tried lowering it from the default of .13 to .09 and I was able to fly.(if Stab. Damping) Is what was meant in the manual, I humbly suggest to change KD to Stab. Damping)
Next I noticed that while I could fly, it was near to impossible to yaw without causing a wobble or the bird to undo my yaw. Since I have no mag on this APM, I wondered why or how it would be messing with my YAW, So I must assume it is correcting according to GPS values? Either way, I went back to the lab, cna back in the Pid tuning and lowered the Yaw damping to .1 from default. it smoothed the Yaw somewhat, but I do notice, that any wind gusts, cause it to either overcorrect yaw, or start to wobble a bit. I simply apply some agressive climb out throttle and let it back down to sort of smooth out the wobble.
So I guess what I want to do is find out what the next steps in tuning this bird in are with regards to pids.
Anyone care to point to a resource that applies to AC2 or give me some pointers?
Thanks In advance for any guidance.
see my fleet here: http://lab.westernwillow.com/muav/profile