Wiki Ninja

My 3Dr hex-b is flying missions in Auto flight mode very well.

However in Stabilize mode, it always moves in the same direction... to the right when I'm standing behind the  back side of APm2.5 board.

I need to move the TX aileron stick maybe 20 % to the left to compensate for the tendency.

The hex mass is balanced fairly well from left to right.

see attached scn prt for current PIDs.

Is this drifting to the right a PID tuning issue or is there something else I should investigate?

Thanks in advance,


My specs:

ArduCopter HEX-B 3DR Frame,

APM 2.5 Purple Full Kit Assembled,

Motor RC Timmer AC2836-358 880Kv,

ArduCopter ESC 20 Amp,

Propellers: 11X4.7 APC slo-flyer,

Turnigy Nano 3S 5000mAh 60C continuous 130C max (2 each in parallel),

AttoPilot volts & current sensor board,

3DR Radio (telemetry),

MB1000 XL-MaxSonar-EZ0 (disabled for now),

3DR GPS uBlox LEA-6,

GoPro hero2,

Firmware: 2.8.1,

Mission Planner: 1.2.19


13-Nov-12 8-27-39 PM.png

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  • Hi,

    I just ordered the  3DR ArduCopter Hexa-B with everything you have listed except a different GPS. Wondering if you could share your configuration file with me.  I have been looking for a configuration file for the Hexa-B with no luck. 

    This will be my first multi rotor machine and am hoping to get a good start.




  • Moderator

    Only after lift-off or always in flight? We presume you have set the APM Level on a known level surface in the MP?

    Raising your Rate_I a little will help with resisting CG misalignment or other external forces..

  • My hex had a similar problem where it needed a LOT of right aileron trim to stay still in stabilized mode.  Problem turned out that I did not zero the R/C control trims before doing a radio calibration.

    Also make sure you don't have a loose motor.

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