hex not doing what I want.

When I initiate the auto mode the copter fist seems to rotate and fly with thw front facing off to the side. From my standpoint it seemed to hit the first way point and instead of comeing back to thw second one that was closer it just continued on. I also seem to have dificulty with it not responding to my inputs as much as it should. This was all using my android phone. When running from a computer it flies correctly in stabalize mode like it should. Havnt tested out waypoints with the computer because im in the neighborhood. Any ideas? I imagine some parameters are set wrong or something.


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  • I had the exact same issue.  My copter flew out of range dangerously close to trees and power lines after I reviewed the video from the attached go pro.  Luckily, it hit some trees and got stuck.  I was able to retrieve it.  This was the first time I've encountered this exact issue.  Hopefully someone will have some feedback...

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