Hexa copter crash unexplained !

Hello guys,

We recently started flying with our quad and hexa copter.

Yesterday we did crash unexpectidly, (60m fall on concrete ! ouch ! ) here are the data :

- Hexa copter with 2.9.1b firmware

- 72.130Mhz remote controller

- watching Zigbee telemetry on Mission planner 1.2.44 mav 1.0

- flying mode : stabilize

- no particular load

- PID settings (provided ready to fly)

- See graph logs + logs attached below

What happenend :

After flying 8min with a full battery, we lost remote control momentarly with the drone and regain it after. The second time it happened, the drone fell to the ground.

We had time to check that two props were not turning anymore during the falling. (maybe it's normal due to the falling ?)

* Logs analyze :

- Seem not to be a battery problem (no battery voltage peak, and we did not go under 10V during the full flight)

- Seem not to be a failsafe wrong behaviour (from the logs, the copter was all the time in stabilize mode)

Here is the full flight log :

- chan3 : The throttle on the remote

- alt : Altitude of the copter (in m)

- throttle : resulting throttle provided by APM


Here is the zoom of the crash :


You can notice the two drops at the end, and that the resulting throttle did not recover after the last bump, even if the throttle on the remote was at full position.

Is it common to lose radio control like this ?

Do you have any idea why after recovering control, the APM did not follow ?

How to debug further this problem ?

What could we do to fix this ?

Attached is the full log

Cheers !


2013-04-17 19-16-00_crash.rlog

2013-04-17 19-16-00_crash.tlog

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  • Developer

    Hi, wich RC radio brand do you have ?

    During the fly the throttle is sometimes very high (1900), is it desired ? 60 meters seems very high for first flights, is it desired or did you loose throttle control ?

    If the APM is still working, can you test your radio system on the ground during one hour or more and see inside mission planner if the throttle channel is ok (you can see this inside configuration, radio calibration window).

  • Hey,

    After opening the APM, I did notice there was one electronic component missing ! (see pic)

    Maybe it does explain why I could not download the APM log.

    Do you think this might explain the crash ?

    My APM is a JDrone / 2.5 v1.0



  • Hep !

    Nobody has an idea ?

    It's quite important for us !

  • Not sure if is a similitude with my crash I did have yesterday, crashed inexplicable from 80m, after a short loose of telemetry., see link below, APM2.5, 2.9.1b.

    But I did have > 50 where telemetry was lost periodic in Auto, but never crashed (it was APM2.0, 2.8.1)

    still try to explain my situation...

    Crash from 80m inexplicable...

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Santiago Perez liked Santiago Perez's profile
6 hours ago