Hexacopter Battery Setup

I'm building a 3dr hexacopter with 880kV motors and 11" props.  I'm still at a bit of a loss on what batteries I should get.  I've received a few guidelines, but I was wondering if this setup would work?  If anyone has any other suggestions for batteries for the hexacopter feel free to suggest.  Also, the ecalc says I'm reaching my voltage/ current limit for the esc's/ motor, but I don't know if this is true for my setup.

The battery:

HK Turnigy Battery

Ecalc link:

ecalc hexacopter



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  • I have been very happy with my AGA on the Flamewheel f550 hex

    http://www.aga-power.com/list-263-1.html  (Weights are shown)

    Depending on how much weight you can handle


    AGA5200/30-4S  or AGA6200/30-4S (Same weight, I would use 6200)

  • I have tried LOTs of different batteries...  They all suck...

    After 3-4 months of use, every day, every other day.... They puff a bit, one cell may start to go bad.

    They heat up and the end of a flight... ect... This is the same for all of them I tried so far... The latest are the 25C nano.

    Zippy, Max Amps, Blue LiPo  ect...   For 5000 mah I usually put in 3000 or less...   The nano seem to last a lil longer.

    Its a good thing batteries are not that much any more..

    Eddie Weeks

  • what about a pair of these batteries in parallel?  

    Turnigy Nano Lipos

    also, these have a 25c discharge rate... if I use them in parallel will i get a combined 50c discharge rate?

    thanks for all the replies guys :)

  • Gens-ace may help you, their batteries for RC helicopter is being famous. Their headquarter http://www.grepow-lev.com is also doing a battery project of UAV, try it. 

  • Just noticed that you linked a 4s battery.  Do you need to do some heavy lifting?  If not, you should either use 3s lipo or using  shorter props like 9" or 8".  Either of those gives you longer flight time.

  • I also got the 880kV motors from the DIYDrone store but I use 10" props.  I've tried my hexa with 2x2200, 2x5000, and also 2x8400, with lift-off weight range from 3kg to 4kg with gimbal and camera.  With 2x8400 and the gimbal and camera, it is very close to the limit.  I get about 15 minutes flight time but it is not as stable in 20mph wind gust.  I would recommend using the 2x5000.

    I've also tried using 12" prop, but it was really pushing the motor and the esc.

    Here is a short video clip of my hexa with 2x8400 with a Contour+ camera mounted over the weekend during a local meetup.  The lift-off weight was 3.625kg.  The middle one in the video is mine.  It was very very windy when that video was shot.  You can see the hexa actually tilting to the right to fight the wind.


  • Developer

    Too heavy.

    try this:


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