Hexacopter flips with no apparent reason

Hi all,

I know that this is a very recurrent question and I apologise for any redundancy.

I assembled recently a Tarot T960 frame, T-Motor MT3514 400 (X6), T-Motor ESC 40a (X6), emax 6 axis power board, Pixhawk, 3DR GPS module(X2), 3DR telemetry radio, RC Taranis X9E and receiver X6R.

I managed to get it airborne during first trial, but unfortunately, one of my props was not tight enough and came off in the middle of a flight. The hexa landed with the arm missing the prop, which obviously broke. It also inutilise one of the land gear arms.

After getting the spares and assembly the hexa again, it doesn't want to fly. Instead, it flips as the video shows.

Any ideas on what could be wrong?

Yes, props are all spinning correctly, motors seem to have the same speed, no weird noises, frame set to X shape, etc.


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                  • @ hans i totally agree with you. Common sense is the safest practice...

                    Holding a quad above your head is dangerous.. sure then dont build quads because flying them is EVEN MORE DANGEROUS !!

                    such nonsese..

      • its my passion i would have def helped you for free. i live in Waterloo, Canada lol unfortunately

  • Hi all,

    Thank you for the responses. I did have one ESC connected in the wrong hub. I managed to go to the park and test it; it didn't flip, but it tends to go more to one side and when I pressed the throttle to take off, it started oscillates wildly. Is that a sign of frame imbalance? I used the APM planner but I don't know how to retrieve the data from it. 

    • Did you actually take off?  A slight tendency towards one side could be your CoG is off or it needs trimmed/calibrated - you can invoke auto trim mode by keeping your throttle stick down and to the right when arming until the led flashes red/blue:


      If it's oscillating wildly as/after it takes off it could be that your default PIDs are really off:


      • As a hint, you can assign channel 6 (the pot/knob that turns round on your RC) to rate roll/pitch in APM planner/MP.  Then when you take off if it oscillates wildly you can very quickly use the knob to change your rate values, to the right will make it oscillate more wildly, to the left less wildly but too much left and it will feel 'drunk' and respond to your commands very slowly.  If you get it vaguely right, good enough to keep it in a hover, then you can start an autotune and let it tune itself - usually much better than you'll achieve yourself.

    • sometimes, if you don't give enought throttle, It do that effect, If you can contact anyone near you with experience is the safest way, visit uk group, perhaps there is someone to help. 

  • Esc bad plugged +1 , try to protect your copter to test the first time, I use this extra legs and do little movements to see if the multi responds correctly and them take off very low, land and remove them if all works well, others tie the multi with elastic ropes. Another possibility, check your trims they should be 0 and your level in mission planner Hud


  • Here is a video of the motor test. I am confused as to whether they should have the same order as the one in the pixhawk. They don' have any correlation whatsoever with the pixhawk.


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    • T3

      Arnoldo, I think your ESCs may be plugged into the wrong ports.  Lets call your motors 1 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 9 o'clock, and 11 o'clock.  That corresponds to A B C D E and F in Mission Planner.  When performing the motor test, they should go in order starting with 1 o'clock and going all the way around each motor to 11 o'clock.  Please trace the ESC wires and tell me which port number corresponds with which o'clock number.

      • Hi Stephen,

        Thank you for the time and effort. It is very weird, the motors and esc are wired according to this diagram


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