Hexacopter for Photography (Tarot FY680)

Here is my hexacopter project.  It is coming along quite nicely, I am hoping to begin flight test by the end of August.  So far I have installed the motors, ESC's and wiring.  the electronics have been ordered and will be here soon.  Very excited!  This will be a start to my aerial photography/ video aspect of my business.

Frame: Tarot FY680

Motors: 6x Turnigy D3530/14 1100KV Brushless Outrunner Motor

Control Borad: APM 2.5/6

Speed Controllers: 6x HobbyKing SS Series 35-40A ESC


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  • The hexacopter has been built.  Test flights begin today!  Check it Out!3692812051?profile=original3692812251?profile=original3692812418?profile=original3692812387?profile=original

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6 hours ago