HexaCopter twitching in flight


My HexaCopter got taken on its first test flight yesterday and I was very impressed.

However, despite new batteries (Turnigy Nanotech 4s 5000mAh 35-70c), every now and then the UAV would "twitch".


Sometimes this would be quite violent or subtle, often setting the LiPo alarm off momentarily.


Here is an example....




Can anyone assist to what may be causing this issue please.  I am very new to this project, so would appreciate a little assistance.


The UAV has APM 2.5 running latest firmware, jDrones ESC 30 and jDrone 880kv motors with 10" props.


None of the PIDs have been changed from default, however this is what they are currently set to.


I have also downloaded the flight logs if thats of any use.


Many thanks,



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  • Developer
    You can post the whole log file. I don't care about the KML. If you have a tLog from the telemetry that would be great.
  • Developer

    Please post the logs, I would love to see them. It looks like it was Yaw that "twitched"

    The current draw one the motors is what is making the beep sound. It brings the voltage down.


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