
HI moderators! Why didn't my blog post appear?

Hi there,

     I did a blog post about 16 hours ago titled "Trex450 loiter testing using Arducopter 2.0.50Beta" and received a message saying, "your blog post has been approved on DIYDrones" but the posting never appeared on the diydrones site.  I have received a link to it and I can view it myself but for some reason it hasn't appeared on the main page of least for me.  although i do seem to have two comments on it..

     any idea what's up?

     Here's the link to the blog post:



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  • 3D Robotics

    Randy, you selected "just my friends" as who can see the post (possibly by accident). If you edit the post and select "Everyone" for viewing permission it will show up on the front page. 

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