Hello everyone,
Greetings from India.

I've been working on a quadcopter and aiming for a thirty minute endurance. I'll be using this for shooting videos. I can compromise a little on the agility though.
I plan to use li ion batteries coupled a with a low kv motor but there's a constraint on my propeller size and i.e. it can't be larger than 13 inches. I'm writing a java script to automate the ecalc process to find combinations for maximum endurance.

Any suggestions or particular parameters I should focus on other than motor kv and power density.
Also I want a decent looking frame and not a stick figure so any ideas on what material combinations I should use.

Thank you for your time.

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  • I may be wrong, but limiting yourself to 13" is a big brick wall to seeing 30min+.  I'm thinking a quad setup on something like SunnySky 4108s motors and 15" propeller with maybe a Tarot 650 frame would get you there.  I'm getting about 22 min on my tarot 650, but it's the high kv 600 version and 13" propellers on a 5ah 4 cell.  Try the lower kv version with 15" propellers and you're there.  This is only carrying a gopro and lightweight two axis gimbal though.  I've got a hex version (Tarot 680pro) running 10ah4s going about the same time but carrying a NEX5n, but this frame won't allow the larger propellers.  

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