SO i have a problem. I was usuing my landing gear today and it worked fine one flight, put them up and down a few times, took off and landed in the same battery etc and then i landed and turned off the drone, swapped the battery and then took off again. This time the landing gear only went up on one side. so heres the details,
I run spektrum RX and TX (the Dx8 and ORX-R820x reciever with Spektrum AR610) The gear is set up as per standard instalation. My Js2 plugs run from legs to the control unit like they should, obviously because they worked before fine today for the first flight. When i trigger them to go up, both lights start red, then they both go green, the one side goes up while the other side stays green a bit and then goes red well before the other side is fineshed retracting. the working side then returns to red and wehave one up and one down with 2 red lights again. Ive tried swapping things, different cables etc and im blanking now. Please help.