I have a Hobbyking PDB which includes a power module on it. It's been working fine for a week but today it fried 2 of my pixhawk clones. Upon closer examination, the power module is outputting raw battery voltage and since I had a 4s battery plugged in at the time, the power module was outputting >16v to the pixhawk. Before I knew this, because my first pixhawk wasn't working I decided to plug a second pixhawk in to see if I could figure out what the problem was... Bad idea. Magic smoke appeared.
This is the offending PDB: https://hobbyking.com/en_us/hk-pilot-power-vi-module-distribution-board-and-dual-ubec-all-in-one-120a-and-10s.html
The partially good news is that both pixhawks can be powered via USB and I'm wondering if there's something I can replace on the pixhawk PCB to get these pixhawks back in action again? I'm assuming that a fuse has blown?
Here's a video of the power module outputting 16v: https://youtu.be/LZousFKWpgs
Here's a photo of the pixhawk clone:
Obviously I've been in contact with Hobbyking and I'm seeking some kind of compensation but it would be a shame to have to throw these in the bin...
I'd really appreciate some assistance if possible.