Home Location

Help required,

Having started flying my quad with 3dr apm2.6, ublox gps/compass, with just three modes (stab, alt hold, alt hold/supersimple) and having a superb time, it is about time to use the gps and start some missions.

My intention is to be able to create the mission at home, go to the field, load the mission and fly. I am somewhat confused regarding setting the home location (and altitude) before going to the field, arming the copter, and thus re-setting the home location. From wiki "For APM:Copter the home position is set as the location where the copter was armed." Hence, I presume all waypoint altitudes would be relative to this "armed" home location with 0 altitude, Please correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong. Perhaps I am supposed to just set the waypoints by right clicking and not left click whereupon the home location altitude is requested.

If I set the home location while planning the mission how do I know that the altitude I am entering for the home location (required before any waypoints are entered) is correct. Or, is this overwritten when you arm the apm at the field?

Everything else is crystal clear in the wiki, but I could do with some clarity on this initial home altitude setting when planning the mission from the comfort of the sofa! I would be happy to add to the wiki from a newbie to APM point of view on this matter if it may help others. I have looked for an answer but can;t find clarity on this.

By the way: what a superb bit of kit - with basic setup it flew right from the box! Hard to believe that this is the product of open source work. My quad is a home built laser cut aluminium copy of the 3dr quad, super rigid, 1.6kg loaded, and is super stable. I've been into rc since a child, took some time out due to kids etc, and to find this tech now is nothing short of amazing. Already planning a V-octo camera rig!

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  • Developer

    Arducopter only uses a relative altitude based on the home position. It does not accept a abs altitude. If you put in an altitude that is absolute you may end up flying very high depending on your home location.

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