How bizzare, weird prop problem

after a hefty crash, where a hobbyking 1245 prop snapped 25m up, i got my quad all fixed and ready to go

also my 3dr radio arrived today, so i went to take it for a flight, or so i thought, when taking off, the craft would lose control, like no rudder input, took him home, this was when i got a pic of it pre crash, and saw the props were on the oppisite way, swapped motor direction and props and off it went

this is for a H quad, and i followed the instructions on the arducopter motor layout.

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  • Consider studying the way props are built and work and how they are arranged on your quad, and then you will notice at once when they're not mounted correctly . We see a lot of problems in these forums, some with lengthy esoteric speculations about electronic issues, that turn out to be due to mis-mounted props, or props that failed in flight. Experienced R/C pilots, who seem to be in a distinct minority in this community, are usually aware of which side of a prop is up, which direction it is made to turn in, how reliable the bits securing it are and how much they should be tightened for props made of various materials, how to balance props, what prop pitch and diameter really mean,  and so on. On a multicopter the chances of having a prop problem are of course multiplied by the number of props; therefore it behooves everyone to spend a little time really understanding them.  

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Jun 30