
MOT_PWM_MIN: PWM output miniumum

Note: This parameter is for advanced users

This sets the min PWM output value that will ever be output to the motors, 0 = use input RC3_MIN

0 - 2000

MOT_PWM_MAX: PWM output maximum

Note: This parameter is for advanced users

This sets the max PWM value that will ever be output to the motors, 0 = use input RC3_MAX

0 - 2000

But I cannot find these parameters in the full parameter list in arducopter 3.3.3?

I ask because I see the servo_out PWM to the motors sometimes hitting a lower "limit" of 1148, and they never seem to exceed 1850 or so. I'm trying to understand how these limits/ranges are established?

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  • Ha yes I have the same issue 1848 is the max output by the fc,Did you find a fix other than calibrating the esc's?

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