How do people build RTF quads with APM.

Dear all,

I have seen a few websites that sell RTF quadcopters, hexes, octos etc... using Arupilot. How do they do it?

What I mean is, if I bought one of their products, will all the settings be pre-programmed on the board and then shipped?

What would happen if I downloaded the ground-station and plugged in the pre-programmed board? Will all the preprogrammed settings appear on the ground station settings?

Many thanks,


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  • If you bought a ready-to-fly from me you can be assured that it will be set up, test flown, all modes checked etc. To be honest default params will be enough to get it to fly, provided it's a pretty standard frame, but I've been tuning these things for years now so I can do it very quickly even if it's a weird one.


    When you plug a board into MP it reads the info from the board, so yes settings would remain intact. Only time you need to redo is if you upload the firmware again. Then its a simple matter of saving the onboard settings to a file before you write over it with the new firmware.

  • Hi,

    I guess if would be logical for them to buy the boards, install firmware suitable for the airframe, configure a few things and (if they make a really good job of it) test fly each aircraft and finally sell them again...

    And yes, if you connect one of those to a ground station you can read the configuration they wrote to it.



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