How do you evaluate your piloting skills?


I have a Quad since beginning of October, and I have started to fly with it.

I think that I'm starting to be pretty good, but I'm not sure how good.

I have tried to found a site or something that could tell me what kind of maneuvers and skills I should be able to do, to consider myself a good pilot.

I'm able to:

  • fly around (straight with turn righ and left, like a plane changing the yaw of the Quad)
  • fly up,down, straff left,right. Move front,back.
  • fly in Course Lock or in Home Lock.
  • fly around a fix point with nose pointing in.
  • fly 8 figure with nose front and nose pointing in.

Right now, I'm pretty confident in my skills, but not sure if they are that good.

I'm planning on doing some filming with my Quad.

Anyone can guide me on this?


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