I would like to program my own autonomous drone. I am interested in racing eventually but right now I just want something simple I can test my code on. What platform do you suggest I start with?
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Ideally I would want to minimize the amount of work I have to do so a hackable ready-to-fly or a full kit would be the best. I am unsure on what sensors to buy and how to start coding once I get the quad. I guess I also need information on the setup as well. Sorry about the question being so broad. I posted this in Newbie for a reason! Ha!
James said:
Such a broad question! There are a lot of cheap quads to learn and hack on. Are you looking to DIY, or buy ready-made and hack it?
Ideally I would want to minimize the amount of work I have to do so a hackable ready-to-fly or a full kit would be the best. I am unsure on what sensors to buy and how to start coding once I get the quad. I guess I also need information on the setup as well. Sorry about the question being so broad. I posted this in Newbie for a reason! Ha!
James said: