How does the stabiliztaion corrections work?

I have read (most) of the paper on the DCM, but didnt understand one major issue. After getting all the information needed, how are the corrections made?

meaning - if the wing is tilted by x degrees from horizontal flight, how does the board know how much servo input it should give to stabilize the plane into horizontal flight again?

Does it make small corrections around the neutral state? does the plane ever converges to total steady horizontal flight or are small correction around the neutral position always made?

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  • Developer
    The DCM algorithm just outputs orientation data (eg pitch, roll and yaw). You then need to do something with that data for control. Typically a PID controller is used (eg in ArduPilot). Proper choices of the P, I, and D gain allow the controller to converge on zero steady state error. However, we are talking about aircraft flying through the natural environment with constant disturbances, so the controller is always making corrections.
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