How to arm a drone from a rocking boat.

This is a situation I have run into, and will run into again. Just how can you arm a mini apm, or ready to fly Hawk from an unstable platform? Someone suggested disabling preflight checks, but which ones? How can I do it safely? 

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  • Developer

    Hi Anthony.  Arming on a boat is a tricky subject.  There is a discussion here:!searchin/drones-discuss/boat/drones-discuss/3SQdTSZvhVI/OqWni_AG0N4J

    and this is the issue we track the problem in

    Hope some of that info helps.

    Thanks, Grant

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    • That was very helpful. Looks like 3.4 will make it easy to pull this off. For now I can risk disabling some things for it to work. Got a chance to film fireworks, but have to launch from a rocking boat. Going to run some tests first. 

      • Developer

        Great.  Make sure you let us know how you go!

        Thanks, Grant.

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