Hi all,


I'm using the configuration shown in this setup: IMG_4778.jpg


I've uploaded the firmware 1.8.2 to the ArduIMU v2 and I have configured the ArduIMU according to the manual (http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot/wiki/ArduIMU). When I connect the FTDI cable to the ArduIMU and open the serial monitor, the ArduIMU will reset and no output is shown. This seems to be normal behavior according to another post.


I cannot test ArduIMU with any of the test programs since I'm not running Windows - I'm on a Mac.


On the other hand I also cannot test ArduIMU using the IMU test code through my Ardupilot, since the pins for connecting the FTDI cable (to monitor the test output) are already used to connect the Ardupilot to the ArduIMU (see above image).


Can anyone tell me how I can test the ArduIMU? Is there some different way to attach it to the Ardupilot to not occupy the FTDI pins? Or is my only option to use a Windows computer?


Many thanks and all the best,



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  • 3D Robotics
    Can you use Parallels or another Windows emulator? If not, use the internal debug system diagnostics, which will show the data in the Arduino IDE's serial monitor. All this is covered in the manual (http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot/wiki/Test).

    You can turn on the IMU test in the config file:

    #define DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM 0 // 0 = no debug
    // 1 = Debug the Radio input
    // 2 = Debug the Servo output
    // 3 = Debug the Sensor input
    // 4 = Debug the GPS input
    // 5 = Debug the GPS input - RAW HEX OUTPUT
    // 6 = Debug the IMU
    // 7 = Debug the Control Switch
    // 8 = Debug the Throttle
    // 9 = Radio Min Max values
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